Assignemnt #56: Fortune Cookie


    ///Name: Cassie
    ///Period: 6
    ///Program Name: Fortune Cookie
    ///File Name:
    ///Date Finished: 12/3/2015
    import java.util.Random;
        public class fortunecook
        	public static void main ( String[] args )
        		Random r = new Random();
        		int choice = 1 + r.nextInt(6), num1 = 1 + r.nextInt(54), num2 = 1 + r.nextInt(54), num3 = 1 + r.nextInt(54), num4 = 1 + r.nextInt(54), num5 = 1 + r.nextInt(54), num6 = 1 + r.nextInt(54);
        		String response = "";
        		if ( choice == 1 )
        			response = "The end is near... and it is your fault";
        		else if ( choice == 2 )
        			response = "You will die alone and poorly dressed";
        		else if ( choice == 3 )
        			response = "Never tease an armed midget with a high five";
        		else if ( choice == 4 )
        			response = "The fortune you seek is in another cookie";
        		else if ( choice == 5 )
        			response = "Confucious say: man who fishes in other man's well offen catches crabs";
        		else if ( choice == 6 )
                	response = "A drunk mans' words are a sober mans' thoughts";
                    System.out.println( "Something lost will soon turn up" );
                System.out.println( "   Fortune cookie says: " + response );
                System.out.println( "            " + num1 + " - " + num2 + " - " + num3 + " - " + num4 + " - " + num5 + " - " + num6 + " " );

Picture of the output

Assignment 56